Anyways, in the daily emails I received a fellow follower sent in this one I thought was worth sharing:
Dear FlyLady,
I was recently listening to friends lamenting how life is too short and how they are going to start doing things on their "Bucket List." I've decided to get started on my "Chuck It List!" Life is too short to hold onto stuff that just drags you down and I'm just going to CHUCK IT OUT! So here is my "Chuck It List": Failed sewing projects-Chuck It!!! Cut out recipes-never tried-Chuck It!!! Tight clothes -Chuck It!!! Empty plant pots -Chuck It!!! Books I'll never read again -Chuck It!!! Guilt making memories -Chuck It!!! What's on your list??? Love, Flybaby Western Australia FlyLady here: What a great way of thinking! You can have both! A bucket list and a chuck it list. Set up your declutter kit and begin to "chuck it." -------- You are not behind! I don't want you to try to catch up; I just want you to jump in where we are. O.K.? Perfectionism is Shelved in 2012! Get your FREE Cozi Calendar Copyright 2001-2012 FlyLady and Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved, No reprint to other email lists or websites without FlyLady's permission. You have permission to forward to a friend. Join us on Facebook
I'm pretty sure I could use a CHUCK IT list. It sounds like it could free up time and energy in my life. I like the concept of letting go of things that are not working for me. The failed sewing projects, recipes and kids clothes that are ruined/out of style/not favorites may be a good place for me to start. One thing at a time...