Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm Back!

I'm happy to report we've survived the first 4 weeks of having a newborn join our family. It's been and adjustment but luckily our son is a very easy baby, eats, sleeps and hardly cries. We're so happy to have our healthy children - not every day, hour, minute is perfect (aka boring) but we're all doing our best (sometimes our best is not so best-like) to get along, clean up, feed each other, pay the bills and stay connected to the "real" world.

When I think of being/becoming somewhat organized one song comes to mind..."Dream the impossible Dream." Maybe there are some good websites out there? The kind that make your life easier, that not just look good but are useful? If you have come across any re: parenthood and organization please please let me know.

Hope you're all well and enjoying your summers. I can't believe it's already August! So, with all that being said I'm Back to blogging!

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